Saturday, July 21, 2018

People face trade-offs

People face trade-offs

It involves what to buy and what not to buy. Trade off means finding it difficult to make a choice.Exercising choices becomes difficult.

#1st principle

To get something you want, you have to give up something else you want as resources are scarce. Trade offs between consumer goods and public goods.

#2nd principle

The cost of something is what you give up to get it. For eg:- college education where benefits are job and opportunities and costs involves tution and books.

#3rd principle

Rational people think at margin. Additional units of satisfaction is termed as marginal. Here, marginal cost should be equal to marginal benefits.

#4th principle

People respond to incentives. Incentives offers additional benefits.
Terms of interaction- Price (drive between buyers and sellers)

Price of good and services- if gas becomes expensive, people tend to adjust their behavior.

Two major factors of incentives are:- Price (p) and Quantity (q). That is, when price of a good increases quantity demanded decreases.

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