Saturday, July 21, 2018

People Respond to Incentives

                                                 People Respond to Incentives

  This is obviously true, that an Incentive is something that induces a person to respond to money. Rational people always make decision by comparing cost and benefits, they respond to incentive. Even all the economist are supporting this statement, they also say that the people who don’t respond to incentives are commentary. For analyzing market behavior Incentive plays a major role, that is when the price of a product goes high customers start buying the product in less quantity and at the same time manufactures start to increase their production.

For Example:  Think the price of onion is 10 Rupees per kilogram and the sale in market is 1000 kg/day next day if price increase by 5 Rupees that is 15 per Kilogram then there will be a shortage in total sales that is 800 kg/day. As a result of price increase, Manufactures start to increase their production. This prove that People respond to incentives. Where manufactures trying to make more incentive by production and customers trying to make more incentive by switching to alternate product or decreasing the quantity of purchase.

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