Sunday, July 15, 2018

Unstructured Notes! Applying Real World Economics

Every week, we will discuss some concepts, theories, models etc in the class. Your understanding of the same may differ in varying degrees. Some of you may prefer to learn the concepts through the rote method, some others in different methods like trying to find real world applications based on the concept. A number of real world phenomenon/applications rooted in economics will be of course being discussed at length in the class. Yet that is only tip of the iceberg. I want you to discover the iceberg and the fascinating vistas it provides.

For the purpose of posting, I have created two blogs and You have to register on either of them. Each student will make minimum one post on the blog per week. This works out to be roughly ten posts per trimester. The content should be about the concepts learnt till the previous class and their real world applications. You can express them as text. Essay, short notes, diagrams, flow charts, drawings, paintings, comics, cartoons, stories etc. You can translate real world economics applications and regional languages and vice versa ( need an English translation for me to understand). Charts, data tables, other forms of visualization too are welcome. My primary objective is you get a deeper understanding of economics through your own preferred way of learning. If I get a feeling, you have been able to ingrain the concepts discussed; bonus marks will be awarded for extra efforts/popularity/creativity.  Popularity would link to shares/likes etc on social media platforms. 

Those who have their own blogs and feel they could get better traction there can choose to post on their blogs but the link to the same has to be posted on either of the above blogs. If you are creating videos/podcasts etc, you can post the same on YouTube, Instagram, SoundCloud etc and post the links to the same on the above blog. Those who feel they can generate better attraction on their FB / Twitter /Linkedin account can post on FB/ Twitter/Linkedin and and the link thereof on the above blogs. (BTW you can share the blogposts on all social media platforms).  My suggestion would be however to post in the blogs itself unless inevitable to post on another platform.

No copying whatsoever either from your classmates or from the net. If I find one (feel free to test my skills of being plagiarism detector), they would be mercilessly thrown out from the assignment and in severe cases given ‘U’ in economics. Those who do not want to participate in the assignment can opt out just that they have to sacrifice 10 marks ( people face trade offs!!).

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