Friday, July 20, 2018

Postulate of Demand & Supply

When supply and demand are in balance, the global economy is said to be equal between price and quantity.

Demand - If you demand Something then you,
1. need it
2. afford it
3. and have a focused plan to purchase it .

The quantity demand for a goods and services is the cost that customers plan to purchase during a given time period with the given cost.

Supply - If a company distributes a goods or services then the firm has
1. The technology and the resource to manufacture it
2. should generate profit from it
3. capable of making a definite plan
to produce and sell it .

The quantity supplied for a product is the cost manufactures plan to sell during a particular time period at a given price.

Market equilisation - It is a situation in which competitors force balances on each other. It occurs when the price is equal for all buyers and sellers.

What is equilisation quantity..?
- It is the quantity bought and sold at a equal price.
▪Price regulates buying and selling plans.
▪ Cost adjust when plans dont match.

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