Saturday, August 25, 2018

5 Concept Revisited

Opportunity Cost
The benefits we give up in order to get something else is called opportunity cost. If you want something of you want you have to sacrifice something.
B-C=Net Benefits.
Example: A girl went to shop to buy ice cream. The ice-cream man offers her 2 flavour vanilla and chocolate after thinking she choose vanilla flavour. So chocolate flavour ice cream is her opportunity cost.

People Response to Incentive
Incentive is an Add-on benefits that induced a person to act, by giving some rewards who change their behaviour.
Incentives = Price: Quantity (P:Q)
Example: Raj hotel offer free tea whenever you order food.

Diminishing Marginal Utility
The more of the good that one contains in a specific period of time, the less the additional utility derives from an additional unit of good.
Utility diminishes over time the shorter the time period the quickly the marginal utility diminishes.
Example: Rahul take a challenge of eating 20 gulab jamun he starts eating very fast then other and finishes 10 gulab jamun in 1min after 10 gulab jamun he started losing his interest and eaten only 13.

When people think what to buy what not to buy and end up buying nothing or noy satisfied with his buying is called tradeoff.
Example: A boy has 500rs he go to the market to buy clothes but he buy books because he have to study for exam.
Willingness and ability of the producer to offer the goods in the market for sales at various prices is called supply.
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