Friday, August 24, 2018

Look Around! Economics is Everywhere

1.     Principle of Diminishing Marginal Utility
The more of a good that one obtains in a specific period of time the less the additional utility derived from an additional unit of the good.
Example: A movie can’t be run for a long time like six month or more. After each time watching the movie, the marginal utility start decreasing. And one day it will be negative. Then no one will watch the movie. This is the reason underlying behind the fact.
2.     Opportunity Cost
Opportunity cost is the cost of something what you gave up to get an another alternative thing.
Example: People are leaving villages and settling down in town or city. They are doing this for extra benefit which they will get from town or city and for getting the extra benefit they are giving up the opportunity which they can get from village.
3.     Law of Demand
When the demand increases, price of any product also increase and when demand decreases, the price also decreases.
Example: In hot summer days, Price of ACs increase sharply. Because at that time, demand stays in pick.
4.     People Respond to Incentive
Example: People always go to that shop from where they get maximum discount. The discount is incentive to the customer. Some shop also offers easy EMI scheme. That is also an incentive to the customer,
5.     Marginal Rate of Substitution
MRS is a measure of number of units of Y that must be given up per unit of X added so as to maintain a constant level of utility.
Example: Some people travel from their work place to home every day to save money. They sacrifice their family life to save money. Some people stay at city, nearer to their work place, to save time. They’re able to give a quality time to their family, but they sacrifice their savings because the ‘cost of living’ in city is high.

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