Saturday, August 25, 2018

Each action as some Economics

.Law of Demand:

       When the price for the product increases, the quantity demanded for the same decreases. Accordingly, when the price for the commodity decreases, the quantity demanded for the same increases. 
Assumption: All other factors remain constant (Ceteris Parabus).
Example: I used to have 10 Maggie packet per week when the price of Maggie goes high I reduced eating Maggie to 5 packets a week.

Diminishing Marginal Utility:
     As we increase the consumption of a commodity the utility derived from each additional unit decreases.
Example: As IBA was not allowing Non-Veg food, I was so eager to eat some non-veg on Saturday. I ordered for chicken tandoori, the first piece give me high level taste and I ate two more pieces but at the third piece I feel that the taste and my eagerness to eat chicken was not same as when I took the first piece.

People Respond to Incentives:

    People always respond to incentive because they want to save their money. An Incentive is something that induces a person to respond to money.
Example: As Vaishanavi hotel gives 10% offer for IBA students, on every weekends I go there with my friends than preferring any other hotels.


    The satisfaction we get after using any product. It can be any type of product.
Example: Today, I went to KFC for having food, the satisfaction I get from having fried chicken is known as Utility.

Opportunity Cost:

  The benefit one misses by selecting some other alternatives is known as opportunity cost.
 Example: To study PGDM I give up my job in TCS

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