Saturday, August 25, 2018



When consumer consume any additional unit for additional satisfaction a point will reached in which it start decreases and after some additional unit consume get negative.

Example – when I go to mess for dinner I eat some chapatti for satisfaction when I start take additional unit of chapatti I get more satisfaction but when I eat continuously then there is a point after that marginal utility start decrease and after some time it get negative.


Opportunity cost is the value of any product and services which we lost or give up to get another choice or it is the value of next best alternative choice
Example – one day my friend told me that he wants to give treat to me on Friday night on dinner for rupee 100 but on the same day there is a good food on our mess so I rejected his proposal and I went for dinner on mess so I give up one best opportunity so the value of that opportunity which I give up is called opportunity cost for me.


It is the satisfaction derived by a consumer by consuming any product or the value of goods and services is called utility.
Example –

I like noodles in my mess so when I consume noodles I get maximum satisfaction but my friend Ram who do not like so much noodles so when he consumes he get minimum satisfaction from noodles so for same product utility may be differ from person to person.


Law of demand refers that when price of any goods and services increases then demand of goods decreases but when price of any goods decreases then demand of goods increases.
Example –

I go saffron restaurant when it gives discount to us I see their on that days crowd is more in comparison to the another day it happens because of law of demand it means when price of goods in restaurant decreases then demand of that goods increases


It is the situation when price of goods and services increases then supply also increase but when price decreases supply also decrease
 Example -  I went market to buy vegetable I see their when price of some vegetable is high then supply is also more but when price of any goods are less then venders supply less vegetable. this happens because of law of supply.

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