Saturday, August 25, 2018

Concepts of economics with practical experience


Increasing return to scale to means proportional increase in output is greater than proportional increase in input.
Example: Hindi was introduced as 3rd language in standard 6. But the                            marks obtained in hindi was more than the effort put in studying                    hindi.

                  OPPORTUNITY COST

Opportunity Cost can be termed as alternative cost that has to be forgone for the decision taken of current use.

Example: As one of my father’s fixed deposit matured I invested the sum in                   purchasing a new computer but my father had the option of                            reinvesting the same in fixed deposit.

Utility can defined as level of satisfaction that is achieved by consumption of goods and service. Diminishing marginal utility can be defined as decrease in additional utility that can be achieved consumption of additional unit of goods and service.
Example : As I was playing more of a game Max payne additional utility                       that I achieved by playing the reduced over time.

Production possibility curve can be termed as amount of goods and service can be produced by switching resources between this goods and services.

Example: I had the option of investing time between my family business                       and higher studies after graduation.


Cross price elasticity of demand can be termed as change in demand of a good due to change in price of another good.

Example: Need for good result in accountancy due to bad preparation in                         data analytics. 

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