Saturday, August 25, 2018


1.)   LAWS OF DEMAND: The laws of demand states that when then the price of a product increases the demand of that product decreases.
EXAMPLE: We will find that if the price of the butter suddenly rises then we will find that the demand for the butter will decrease because there will other substitute in the market like meoneese and ghee.
2.)   PEOPLE RESPONED TO INCENTIVES: people often respond to the incentives because they are being benefited more from that.
EXAMPLE: We will find that when we are browsing through a shopping app and we find a discount on a product then we will tend to buy that product even more. This is how we know that people respond to incentives.
3.)   OPPORTURNITY COST: Opportunity cost is something that we give up to other product.
EXAMPLE: We had event during the exams so I had to leave my studying for coordinating during the exams. This event which I was performing without studying during the exams is an example for opportunity cost.
4.)   UTILITY: Utility is the satisfaction that we obtain after the using the product.
EXAMPLE: Suppose we are consuming 2 ice-cream then the total number of satisfaction that is obtained from consuming those ice-cream is known to be as utility.

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