Friday, August 3, 2018

Is WONDERLA worth it?


Here is brief know about WONDERLA, it is the largest amusement park chain in India with 3 parks located in Bengaluru, Kochi and Hyderabad. Now let us know about what Bengaluru Wonderla offers:
55 land and water rides
musical fountain
laser shows
virtual reality shows 
rain dance floor and many more.
But what is so attractive about it? UNLIMITED RIDES, so this makes people excited to visit Wonderla assuming that Wonderla is worth spending.

But being economics student what comes to the picture is? UTILITY CHARACTERISTICS :

1) The more number of times we play the rides and watch the shows, the less satisfaction is obtained from that rides/shows. This is called as Principle of diminishing marginal utility (the more of a good that one obtains in a specific period of time, the less the additional utility derived from an additional unit of the good)

2) Wonderla timings is from 11am to 6pm( weekend 11am to 7pm), so within that particular time we try to enjoy/satisfy as much as possible. Here time is a constraint. That is Utility diminishes over time ( the shorter the time period, the more quickly marginal utility diminishes)

3) Each individual has different tastes and wants unique experiences from Wonderla. So Wonderla experience differs from person to person according to their personal tastes and experiences. That is consumers are not identical (the rate at which marginal utility diminishes depends on individual tastes and preferences and so differs across consumers)

But from visitors point, they assume that all rides and shows can be completed in that particular time period and they also assume that they gain same amount of satisfaction for every time experience rides and shows.
So visitors feel that amount(cost of entry ticket) spent on Wonderla is worth.
Wonderla management clearly know about the Diminishing marginal utility.

Unlimited buffet restaurants:

Diminishing marginal utility applies even on unlimited buffet restaurants where the restaurants offer unlimited food within particular time period. Every additional food item we consume - utility or satisfaction decreases. 

Some more examples : 

Unlimited calls and messages offered by certain companies.
Daily bus passes by BMTC(Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation)
Train tourist passes and many many more.

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