Saturday, September 22, 2018

Concepts related to Bata


1)Price Discrimination: In some Mumbai though the population is very high that's y when Bata gives discount like flat 50%, upto 60% by which they will earn huge profit but if we consider Kolkata comparitively to Mumbai that is less so they offer only 30% discount or upto 40%.
So here we are clearly facing the concept of Price Discrimination.

2)Producer Surplus- A product costings Rs 5000 but they are giving discount some 30%  then the original price will decrea

3)Production Possibility Curve: Bata used to manufacture both Accessories and Shoes. Comparing between these two, if people buy more accessories than shoes then the production of shoes will decrease and the output of Accessories will increase. Similarly the curve will go either right or left, therefore this curve is known as Production Possibility Curve.

4)Competive Market: Bata is competitive market if we compare the Bata with any other brand.But they have their own quality and here i can say different brand has different quality and different prices as everyone is each other competitor.

5)Utility:The comfort lable of Bata is good and it satisfy the consumer need.On comparing the Bata's Shoes utility with other brand it will be less.This is the concept of Utility.

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