Saturday, September 22, 2018

Economics for eBay

Concept which are applying are: -

    1.    Oligopoly – There are often high barriers to enters for e-commerce platform due to switching cost. There is only Amazon and EBay which dominates international market, because of barriers to entry and market dominance by a few firms, eBay is oligopoly. 
    2.    Trade off – In eBay there are millions of products and many similar products in which people face trade off what to buy and what not to buy.
    3.    Economic of Scope – eBay provide different product to its customers from one place, people can get everything they want from same market.
    4.    Price discrimination (1st Degree) – eBay also conduct auctions for customers for specific product where people bid for that product.
5.    Price Discrimination (3rd Degree) – eBay also provide vouchers and coupons based on payment method it also gives cash back to its customers.            

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