Saturday, September 29, 2018

My Walk Through Economics

Everybody has heard the term economics.We always here it coming up in our day to day life. However, passing a comment on the economic policies our country is very different from the actual and in depth study of it. I become familiar with the concept after coming to IBA .It was for the first time I was made to sit through economics class.
At first to be honest everything that was taught seemed like a riddle to me but with the guidance of our professor Mr Prashant Kulkarni, I can say within this 3 months I have learnt the economics that existed around me but was invisible to my eyes. What I most loved about the classes would be how simple is his examples yet powerful enough to imprint the value in my mind and his idea of a simulation has been very helpful . The things that was taught in the economics classes has also helped me to have a better understanding of subjects like marketing, organisational behaviour or business law .I know that I still have a very small amount of knowledge in the subject but whatever I have is very practical in nature and increasing day by day.

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