Saturday, September 22, 2018


We all know that Samsung is huge company and one of the biggest in term of valuation. In 2018 everyone is looking for a new phone and Samsung launch a new phone S9 and costing more than 80,000 and that phone is for every kind of audience either you are corporate person or a professional in any sector or a college going youth. So, there is some economic concept applied on Samsung’s day to day activity and the concept are as follows.

1. People face trade off :- As, Samsung increase their respect and goodwill in market so everyone sacrifice other company and start buying Samsung.

2. People response to incentives: -  Samsung provide excellent services to the costumer a lot of cash backs and Samsung is no.1 company in this sector in terms of after sale services. Their moto is customer satisfaction.

3. Opportunity Cost: - Now a days Samsung is seeking the attention of everyone  and taking more market so in today sanario almost everyone’s opportunity cost is Iphone.

4.Monopolistic market: - Samsung always providing some values to their products which is different from others. And that makes it different from other products which are available in Market.

5. Law of supply: - Samsung increases its supply from the day it has started and they focus more on sale. So, they get result and sell a lot of products. 

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