Saturday, September 22, 2018

economics applied in automobile industry


1) economics of scope:

maruti Suzuki deals in various parts or models of a consumer product that leads to cost savings or common input of customers needs and diversification of products such as shift, desire, Centro, alto etc.. this can say the company is also working on the economics of scale.

2)  cost-benefit analysis:

maruti Suzuki has a certain goal is to increase the customers as well as the profitability through the software and new technology updated in new models, colours and features, so the mMarutiis introducing the new schemes of EMI and zero free delivery, instance booking and customer satisfaction is more effective than the money they are thinking only of the benefit of the customers.

 3) people respond to incentives:

 there is more demand for the bottom level cars in the market, but the customers are not willing to buy the products when the company announced the offers or the cash back in the festivals or the end of December on that the company giving offers to increase the sale of the product. so the company follows the people respond to incentives to increase eth sale of the products.

4) Taste and preference:

customers have different taste and preference on any of the products, the Maruti focussed more on customer satisfaction, towards the consumers have more varieties to chose the cars o different colours and models. more people will like the colour white and black and some people will like red and brown Maruti has more colours of customer needs.

5) oligopoly:

the automobile industry is one of the old and fastest growing industry in the country, the Maruthi has few buyers of spare parts of cars and they have many sellers in the markets, to increase the productivity and good quality of products in the market so the oligopoly applies in Maruti Suzuki.

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