Saturday, September 1, 2018

Economics helped to understand some bitter truth in real life. Let us check how?

How can we relate consumer surplus with the elasticity of demand in real life?

When demand for certain product or services does not change with the change in price consumer surplus is zero because people will pay exactly what they are determined to pay.
On the contrary when demand does not change with the change in price consumer surplus is infinity.
Business usually takes the advantage from the second scenario as they raise their prices when demand is inelastic so that consumer surplus can be turned into producer surplus.

The bitter truth:-

Whenever I buy ticket for any transportation modes be it be for flight, Train, bus etc. I need to book it in advance otherwise the price of the tickets gets high. Recently I faced this when I booked ticket for Bangalore from Kolkata. I wanted to travel in the month of may and since I booked in that month I was charged Rs. 10000 whereas my friend who booked the same flight two months earlier was charged Rs 4000 only. Why did it happen?
If I want to understand by the terms of economics this nothing but transport companies sell the tickets in a cheaper rates to those who book in advance because they simply enjoy the cash flow and are happy because the seats are getting full.
But in my case since it was very important for me to travel because my college was going to start I had to come whatever the price was. In my case my demand became price inelastic. I had to pay whatever the price would be. Companies also know this very well. So the raise the prices of the tickets and thus consumer surplus turned into producer surplus.

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