Saturday, September 1, 2018

Journey From IT Industry To Management

Journey From IT Industry To Management

Life is all about priorities and values. After completing my B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering I started working for an IT Firm. Initially, the days were good and I was enjoying my work. But after working for a period of two years in the IT industry, I came to the conclusion that pursuing masters will provide me more career opportunities.

I decided to get an MBA degree from a reputed Business School which will provide me more exposure along with a far better job in a good company with a better salary. I quit my job to pursue my masters further. This is where Opportunity Cost comes. Whatever the choice we make, the Opportunity Cost is the value of choice we could have had. 

Most of the activities in our day to day life provide us an option to choose among the best alternatives. Every choice we make has a value to it. Whenever we make a choice we give up another choice and this is referred to as Opportunity Cost. Hence Pursuing MBA cost me lost my salary and all the comforts which I could have enjoyed with that money. Thus enrolling in MBA is the opportunity cost here, i.e the price of the next best alternative. 

In a nutshell, we can say that every decision in our life involves an opportunity cost. Whenever we make a choice of one thing over another, it clearly shows that we value that thing more than the other choice we had. As the world is full of scarcity and the wants and needs of people are unlimited, therefore the individual must make the best choices among the alternatives.

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