Saturday, September 15, 2018


Perfect competition: Perfect competition arieses where no.of sellers or large no. of sellers or large no.of sellers are exists where they can decrease the price to compete with competitor and also to increase the sells

Exist and entry in this market is unrestricted that's why it is Homogeneous in nature 

Example: imagine yourself as a street food vendor selling tacos topped with fried onions, cheese, fresh tomatoes and spicy sauce in the main plaza of town close to the border of maxico.There are three other tacos vendor on the other corner of plaza selling the exact same thing.None of other vendors can change the price, because everyone knows that the deal is 3 tacos for Rs 5. Anyone else who wants to sell tacos on the street can do so if you want to quit and do something else one day. (Or sell your tacos at one of the many other public spaces in your town) no one is stopping you . A business expert might describe this as a perfect competition, which means an equal level of all firm involved in the industry.

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