Saturday, September 15, 2018

Strategy of Pricing: Price Discrimination

Price discrimination
Price discrimination is a pricing strategy which charges different price to different customer for same product.
There are three types of price discrimination – 1. Perfect Price Discrimination 2. Market/ Segment Based Price Discrimination and 3. Price Discrimination by self-selection.
Perfect Price Discrimination
In Perfect Price Discrimination, seller can charge reservation price from customer. Reservation price is the maximum price, which customer willing to pay. At reservation price consumer surplus is 0.
Example: Auction is an example of Perfect price discrimination.
Market/Segment Based Price Discrimination
This type of price discrimination is created for targeting a particular segment. In this price discrimination, different price is charged for different group or segment.
Example: Bus passes for student, Discount in train ticket for senior citizen etc.
Price Discrimination by Self Selection
In this price discrimination, each and every customer can move from one market to another market, having different price for different market.
Example: Citizens of USA buy remedy from Canada because the price of remedy in Canada is lower than USA.

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