Saturday, September 15, 2018



We know that exact perfect competition market is not existing in real life but there is some close example exist first one is “share market”. In share market everyone is selling the same kind of shares. So, the homogenous product was there. There are so many buyers and so many sellers. But the thing which make difference that firm earns normal profit this is not necessary in share market.

There are some more examples like milk producer. Now-a-days we get different type of milk like low fat or flavored milk but earlier it is just same type of milk we get. So the product is homogenous and price is almost same and so many sellers and buyers, and free entry and exit of firms.
Next market is Oligopoly in this no. of buyers is limited. We can say that Telecom service provider market is an example of oligopoly market because only 10-12 big players are there. But in this type of market there is very high chance of creating cartel.

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